5 Advantages of keeping notes

Notes are convenient, they allow users to organise and store information in their own style. They are also a great way of organising one’s thoughts and making sense of them in order to provide an efficient learning process. Some people may feel that writing notes can take up time, but the benefits outweigh the disadvantages-there is no excuse not to keep notes if you’re serious about learning! 

  1. A note-taker can conveniently organise these notes into easily accessible folders or notebooks for use and further contemplation. If a note taker has difficulty keeping track of what they learn in a journal, they can also print individual pages of their notebook which provides enough space for even more information.
  1. Notes also offer a great way to record information that you may otherwise have forgotten.In the heat of the moment, it is easy to forget a small detail that you may need in the future. By writing notes on the subject at hand, you are more likely to remember the details you have written down than if you tried to remember a situation without notes.
  1. You can also use your notes as revision tools because they help remind you of what you have learnt before and where it is located in your notebook or journal. This is particularly useful when studying for exams as everything can be easily accessed when needed.
  1. As we all get older and more experienced, it is important to take the time to reflect on our learning points and make notes on them. These notes will be used later in life as a reference so it is important that they are documented properly.
  1. Another benefit of note-taking is that it enables proofreading of your work. If you find that you have made a mistake or just need to double check something, you can easily go back and read what you wrote previously and decide if it is correct or not. This is why it is imperative that you keep your note-taking neat and tidy. It’s important to proofread to ensure that you have written down the correct details.

Following notes allows users to quickly scan their notes for certain information, rather than scanning the entire piece of work. This can be a great advantage if you are in a tight spot and you need specific information or ideas from your notes as quickly as possible.

By keeping notes you can also identify where your strengths and weaknesses lie, particularly if you go over your notes periodically and analyse what is on them. This will enable users to understand where they can improve their learning process and they will be more likely to learn by referring back to these notes.

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